Roser, Anna
Cassà de la Selva, 1974
Resident of tallerBDN since June 2010
She began her artistic studies in Girona and then transferred to Barcelona. She has a degree in Fine Arts (majoring in Sculpture), from the University of Barcelona (1993-1998). Doctorate, “Time and Place of Contemporary Sculpture” from the University of Barcelona (1999-2001). Master of Fine Arts from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, London, UK (2000-2001). She lived and worked in London between 2000 and 2005 where she showed her work in several group exhibitions with the AREA10 artists. She is currently residing in Barcelona.
Some of her known exhibitions were Esculturas Embrionarias (Embryonic Sculptures), Fundación Fita (Fita Foundation) (Girona, 2005); Simposium de Esculturas Parc Art (Parc Art Sculpture Symposium) (Cassà de la Selva, 2006); Mercado de Arte (Art Market). American Prints (Barcelona, 2007); Nirname ARTículo1./.FAD. (Barcelona, 2008); Mensajes del agua, Sala de exposiciones Grupo Taca (Messages from Water, Taca Group Showroom) (Barcelona, 2009); Búsqueda Permanente (Permanent Search), Bar El Convento (Barcelona, 2009); 30 años Grupo Taca (Taca Group 30 years). Centro Cultural Can Fabra (Can Fabra Cultural Centre) (Barcelona, 2009); [ART] 3 creación activa y colectiva (active and collective creation) Fabra i Coats Fábrica de Creación (Fabra i Coats Creation Factory). Art-Socio Project in conjunction with Jordina Barceló, (Barcelona, 2010); Emociones Visibles (Visible Emotions), Bar El Convento (Barcelona, 2010).