Fritz, Julia
Düsseldorf (Germany), 1977
Resident tallerBDN
In 2000 she obtained the title of carpentry in southern Germany. Since 1998, he works in the world of wood and furniture. In 2001 he moved to Barcelona where he worked for over ten years in an interior and exterior restoration workshop for heritage buildings, works of art, churches and antique furniture. She is currently doing wood art, designer furniture and custom restorations.
Inspired by nature and architecture, its creations are made up of natural and dyed wood, always looking for the balance between shapes, textures and colors.
In the last 5 years she has participated with his works in different exhibitions: KICC Kyoto / Japan, Pedralbes Center, Synthesis Design Museum Barcelona, Hotel Casa Gracia, Hotel ME Sitges Terramar, Villa D’Arts Civic Center Dalt Vila Badalona, Cristina Guillén Badalona, among others